Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Little Skeletor

Mommy will probably be mad at me for posting this., but...my daughter is Skeletor. He-Man's nemesis. The bane of Greyskull and the Masters of the Universe. In reality, she refused to pose for a profile pic, so she's staring at you...be afraid...be VERY afraid :-)

I'm not worried...I know that she is going to be cute like her Mom & her sister!

After Shalen sees this, I'm sure she will post more pictures...

P.S. Riley says, "I love my sister."

P.S.S. Riley says, "My sister is NOT Skeletor."

Thursday, April 9, 2009

WooWoo = Sarah Louise

It's official...we're having a girl! I knew it all along :-)

It's still hard to believe that I'm going to be a Daddy...wow. When I saw the ultrasound today, my eyes filled with tears & I had to try my best to be brave in front of Shalen & the (very nice) lady rubbing goo all over her belly. It was the most incredible 30 minutes of my life to date, being able to see my child, looking whole, healthy & complete. While Sarah wasn't too happy with us trying to get her to pose for a picture, all the measurements looked good, the heartbeat was strong (still an awesome sound to hear), and everything looks to be where is should be. I have no doubt that Mommy will be posting new pictures (we could see footprints!) as soon as we get home & scan them.

Welcome to the interweb Sarah!